Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!

Last week, a friend offered to throw me a surprise party for my birthday (I love surprises, especially when I know about them in advance). It was a very nice gesture, if confusing - why would I want a party for a year that ends in 8? Well, it turns out she was off by two years. In the wrong direction. 

That’s the kind of wake-up call you can’t ignore, so I started investigating ways to look, and more importantly feel, younger. And while my delight at learning that drinking red wine can help reduce arterial clogging was somewhat mitigated by the fact that you're only supposed to have one glass, it was heartening to find out just how many natural age erasers there are out there that don’t involve sweating.  

From pomegranates to lower cholesterol, to green tea to reduce the risk of cancer, to crossword puzzles to improve memory, along with getting out the yoga mat that’s been gathering dust for three years, I’m on a mission to turn back the clock. I’m starting out with a three-day juice cleanse. My refrigerator is loaded with juice, and the pantry is cleared of Pringles. I figure writing about it will keep me honest. Are you with me?

If so, you can come to my surprise party.

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