Spring Cleansing

A colon cleanse can help digestive organs do their job, eliminating bacterial matter and toxic material in the body, energize, and even help relieve anxiety and fatigue for some. But they can also be ineffective - or worse - if done improperly.

There are hundreds of colon cleansing products on the market today and most of them are sold without a prescription. But the popularity of unregulated colon cleansing treatments has resulted in scams and possibly dangerous treatments.

On the “avoid” list: magnesium-based products, which will not produce long-term results, and those that contain bentonite, or aluminium phyllosilicate clay, which can potentially be harmful. Also steer clear of products in tablet form. Tablets are the cheapest to produce and are manufactured with the help of heat, which can destroy beneficial nutrients. Tablets are also harder to absorb than powders, capsules or liquids. And certain herbal cleanses have been linked with liver toxicity and aplastic anemia.

Alternatively, you can see a professional to have a colonic irrigation, in which a low-pressure pump flushes water through a small tube in your rectum. When you release the water, fluids and waste are flushed out. Be sure and choose a practitioner who is licensed and, ideally, recommended by your doctor.

Then there’s our personal favorite, the juice cleanse. At Living Juice, our cold-pressed juices are made from organically grown fruits and vegetables – no water or sugar added – and prepared to maximize nutrients and vitamins. We provide a protocol to best prepare, and then take you through the detoxification process, from supplements to timing to tongue brushing. (Do consult with a medical professional beforehand if you have any medical issues.) A cleanse is great way to kick start a diet because you are very likely to drop a few pounds (but unless you make permanent diet and exercise changes, that little bonus will be short-term).

Colon cleanses aren’t just a fad – they’ve been around since Ancient Greece. And they’re gaining in popularity, since a colon that’s functioning well can help hormonal balance, sleep and mood.

So whatever method fits your lifestyle best, it’s time to start spring cleanse-ing!  

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